# Constraints Experimental campaigns often have naturally arising constraints on the parameters and their combinations. Such constraints could for example be: * When optimizing a mixture, the relative concentrations of the used ingredients must add up to 1.0. * For chemical reactions, a reagent might be incompatible with high temperatures, hence these combinations must be excluded. * Certain settings are dependent on other parameters, e.g. a set of parameters only becomes relevant if another parameter called `"Switch"` has the value `"on"`. Similar to parameters, BayBE distinguishes two families of constraints, derived from the abstract [`Constraint`](baybe.constraints.base.Constraint) class: discrete and continuous constraints ([`DiscreteConstraint`](baybe.constraints.base.DiscreteConstraint), [`ContinuousConstraint`](baybe.constraints.base.ContinuousConstraint)). A constraint is called discrete/continuous if it operates on a set of exclusively discrete/continuous parameters. ```{admonition} Hybrid constraints :class: note Currently, BayBE does not support hybrid constraints, that is, constraints which operate on a mixed set of discrete and continuous parameters. If such a constraint is necessary, it is possible to rephrase the parametrization so that the parameter set is exclusively discrete or continuous in most cases. ``` ## Continuous Constraints ```{warning} Not all surrogate models are able to treat continuous constraints. In such situations the constraints are currently silently ignored. ``` (CLEQ)= ### ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint The [`ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint`](baybe.constraints.continuous.ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint) asserts that the following equation is true (up to numerical rounding errors): $$ \sum_{i} x_i \cdot c_i = \text{rhs} $$ where $x_i$ is the value of the $i$'th parameter affected by the constraint, $c_i$ is the coefficient for that parameter, and $\text{rhs}$ is a user-chosen number. As an example, let's assume we have three parameters named `x_1`, `x_2` and `x_3`, which describe the relative concentrations in a mixture campaign. The constraint assuring that they always sum up to 1.0 would look like this: ```python from baybe.constraints import ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint( parameters=["x_1", "x_2", "x_3"], # these parameters must exist in the search space coefficients=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], rhs=1.0, ) ``` A more detailed example can be found [here](../../examples/Constraints_Continuous/linear_constraints). ### ContinuousLinearInequalityConstraint The [`ContinuousLinearInequalityConstraint`](baybe.constraints.continuous.ContinuousLinearInequalityConstraint) asserts that the following equation is true (up to numerical rounding errors): $$ \sum_{i} x_i \cdot c_i >= \text{rhs} $$ where $x_i$ is the value of the $i$'th parameter affected by the constraint, $c_i$ is the coefficient for that parameter, and $\text{rhs}$ is a user-chosen number. ```{admonition} Reversing the inequality :class: note You can specify a constraint involving `<=` instead of `>=` by multiplying both sides, i.e. the coefficients and rhs, by -1. ``` Let us amend [the example from `ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint`](#CLEQ) and assume that there is always a fourth component to the mixture that serves as a "filler". In such a case, we might want to ensure that the first three components only make up to 80% of the mixture. The following constraint would achieve this: ```python from baybe.constraints import ContinuousLinearInequalityConstraint ContinuousLinearInequalityConstraint( parameters=["x_1", "x_2", "x_3"], # these parameters must exist in the search space coefficients=[-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], rhs=-0.8, # coefficients and rhs are negated because we model a `<=` constraint ) ``` A more detailed example can be found [here](../../examples/Constraints_Continuous/linear_constraints). ## Conditions Conditions are elements used within discrete constraints. While discrete constraints can operate on one or multiple parameters, a condition always describes the relation of a single parameter to its possible values. It is through chaining several conditions in constraints that we can build complex logical expressions for them. ### ThresholdCondition For numerical parameters, we might want to select a certain range, which can be achieved with a [`ThresholdCondition`](baybe.constraints.conditions.ThresholdCondition): ```python from baybe.constraints import ThresholdCondition ThresholdCondition( # will select all values above 150 threshold=150, operator=">", ) ``` ### SubSelectionCondition In case a specific subset of values needs to be selected, it can be done with the [`SubSelectionCondition`](baybe.constraints.conditions.SubSelectionCondition): ```python from baybe.constraints import SubSelectionCondition SubSelectionCondition( # will select two solvents identified by their labels selection=["Ethanol", "DMF"] ) ``` ## Discrete Constraints Discrete constraints currently do not affect the optimization process directly. Instead, they act as a filter on the search space. For instance, a search space created via [`from_product`](baybe.searchspace.core.SearchSpace.from_product) might include invalid combinations, which can be removed again by applying constraints. Discrete constraints have in common that they operate on one or more parameters, identified by the `parameters` member, which expects a list of parameter names as strings. All of these parameters must be present in the search space specification. ### DiscreteExcludeConstraint The [`DiscreteExcludeConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteExcludeConstraint) constraint simply removes a set of search space elements, according to its specifications. The following example would exclude entries where "Ethanol" and "DMF" are combined with temperatures above 150, which might be due to their chemical instability at those temperatures: ```python from baybe.constraints import ( DiscreteExcludeConstraint, ThresholdCondition, SubSelectionCondition, ) DiscreteExcludeConstraint( parameters=["Temperature", "Solvent"], # names of the affected parameters combiner="AND", # specifies how the conditions are logically combined conditions=[ # requires one condition for each entry in parameters ThresholdCondition(threshold=150, operator=">"), SubSelectionCondition(selection=["Ethanol", "DMF"]), ], ) ``` A more detailed example can be found [here](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/exclusion_constraints). ### DiscreteSumConstraint and DiscreteProductConstraint [`DiscreteSumConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteSumConstraint) and [`DiscreteProductConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteProductConstraint) impose conditions on sums or products of numerical parameters. [In the example from `ContinuousLinearEqualityConstraint`](#CLEQ), we had three continuous parameters `x_1`, `x_2` and `x_3`, which needed to sum up to 1.0. If these parameters were instead discrete, the corresponding constraint would look like: ```python from baybe.constraints import DiscreteSumConstraint, ThresholdCondition DiscreteSumConstraint( parameters=["x_1", "x_2", "x_3"], condition=ThresholdCondition( # set condition that should apply to the sum threshold=1.0, operator="=", tolerance=0.001, # optional; here, everything between 0.999 and 1.001 would also be considered valid ), ) ``` An end to end example can be found [here](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/prodsum_constraints). ### DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint Sometimes, duplicated labels in several parameters are undesirable. Consider an example with two solvents that describe different mixture components. These might have the exact same or overlapping sets of possible values, e.g. `["Water", "THF", "Octanol"]`. It would not necessarily be reasonable to allow values in which both solvents show the same label/component. We can exclude such occurrences with the [`DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint): ```python from baybe.constraints import DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint(parameters=["Solvent_1", "Solvent_2"]) ``` Without this constraint, combinations like below would be possible: | | Solvent_1 | Solvent_2 | With DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint | |---|-----------|-----------|------------------------------------------| | 1 | Water | Water | would be excluded | | 2 | THF | Water | | | 3 | Octanol | Octanol | would be excluded | The usage of `DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint` is part of the [example on mixtures](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/mixture_constraints). ### DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint The [`DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint) is, in a sense, the opposite of the [`DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint). It will ensure that **only** entries with duplicated labels are present. This can be useful, for instance, in situations where we have one parameter but would like to include it with several encodings: ```python from baybe.parameters import SubstanceParameter from baybe.constraints import DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint dict_solvents = {"Water": "O", "THF": "C1CCOC1", "Octanol": "CCCCCCCCO"} solvent_encoding1 = SubstanceParameter( name="Solvent_RDKIT_enc", data=dict_solvents, encoding="RDKIT", ) solvent_encoding2 = SubstanceParameter( name="Solvent_MORDRED_enc", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED", ) DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint( parameters=["Solvent_RDKIT_enc", "Solvent_MORDRED_enc"] ) ``` | | Solvent_RDKIT_enc | Solvent_MORDRED_enc | With DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint | |---|-------------------|---------------------|-----------------------------------------| | 1 | Water | Water | | | 2 | THF | Water | would be excluded | | 3 | Octanol | Octanol | | ### DiscreteDependenciesConstraint A dependency is a situation where parameters depend on other parameters. Let's say an experimental setup has a parameter called `"Switch"`, which turns on pieces of equipment that are optional. This means the other parameters (called `affected_parameters`) are only relevant if the switch parameter has the value `"on"`. If the switch is `"off"`, the affected parameters are irrelevant. You can specify such a dependency with the [`DiscreteDependenciesConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteDependenciesConstraint) , which requires: 1) A list `parameters` with the names of the parameters upon which others depend. 2) A list `conditions`, specifying the values of the corresponding entries in `parameters` that "activate" the dependent parameters. 3) A list of lists, each containing the `affected_parameters`, which become relevant only if the corresponding entry in `parameters` is active as specified by the entry in `conditions`. Internally, BayBE drops elements from the `SearchSpace` where affected parameters are irrelevant. Since in our example `"off"` is still a valid value for the switch, the `SearchSpace` will still retain **one** configuration for that setting, showing arbitrary values for the `affected_parameters` (which can be ignored). (DDC)= ```{important} BayBE requires that all dependencies are declared in a single `DiscreteDependenciesConstraint`. Creating a `SearchSpace` from multiple `DiscreteDependenciesConstraint`'s will throw a validation error. ``` In the example below, we mimic a situation where there are two switches and each switch activates two other parameters that are only relevant if the first switch is `"on"` / the second switch is set to `"right"`, respectively. ```python from baybe.constraints import DiscreteDependenciesConstraint, SubSelectionCondition DiscreteDependenciesConstraint( parameters=["Switch_1", "Switch_2"], # the two parameters upon which others depend conditions=[ SubSelectionCondition( # values of Switch_1 that activate the affected parameters selection=["on"] ), SubSelectionCondition( # values of Switch_2 that activate the affected parameters selection=["right"] ), ], affected_parameters=[ ["Solvent", "Fraction"], # parameters affected by Switch_1 ["Frame_1", "Frame_2"], # parameters affected by Switch_2 ], ) ``` An end to end example can be found [here](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/dependency_constraints). ### DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint Permutation invariance, enabled by the [`DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint) , is a property where combinations of values of multiple parameters do not depend on their order due to some symmetry in the experiment. Suppose we create a mixture containing up to three solvents, i.e. parameters "Solvent_1", "Solvent_2", "Solvent_3". In this situation, all combinations from the following table would be equivalent, hence the `SearchSpace` should effectively only contain one of them. | | Solvent_1 | Solvent_2 | Solvent_3 | |---|--------------|--------------|--------------| | 1 | Substance_43 | Substance_3 | Substance_12 | | 2 | Substance_43 | Substance_12 | Substance_3 | | 3 | Substance_3 | Substance_12 | Substance_43 | | 4 | Substance_3 | Substance_43 | Substance_12 | | 5 | Substance_12 | Substance_43 | Substance_3 | | 6 | Substance_12 | Substance_3 | Substance_43 | ```{note} Complex properties such as permutation invariance not only affect the search space but should ideally also constrain the surrogate model. For instance, the kernels in a Gaussian process can be made permutation-invariant to reflect this constraint, which generally results in a better learning curve. Note that at this stage no surrogate model provided by BayBE takes care of these invariances. This means the invariance is ignored during model fitting and these models do not benefit from a priori known constraints and invariances between parameters. However, generally, the optimization will still work. We are in the process of enabling this as new feature, but in the meantime the user can introduce their own [custom surrogate model](../../examples/Custom_Surrogates/Custom_Surrogates) to include these. ``` Let's add to the mixture example the fact that not only the choice of substance but also their relative mixture fractions are parameters, i.e. "Fraction_1", "Fraction_2" and "Fraction_3". This also implies that the solvent parameters depend on their corresponding fraction being `> 0.0`, because in the case `== 0.0` the choice of solvent is irrelevant. This models a scenario that allows "up to, but not necessarily, three solvents". ```{important} If some of the `parameters` of the `DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint` are dependent on other parameters, we require that the dependencies are provided as a `DiscreteDependenciesConstraint` to the `dependencies` argument of the `DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint`. This `DiscreteDependenciesConstraint` will not count towards the maximum limit of one `DiscreteDependenciesConstraint` discussed [here](#DDC). ``` The `DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint` below applies to our example and removes permutation-invariant combinations of solvents that have additional dependencies as well: ```python from baybe.constraints import ( DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint, DiscreteDependenciesConstraint, ThresholdCondition, ) DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint( parameters=["Solvent_1", "Solvent_2", "Solvent_3"], # `dependencies` is optional; it is only required if some of the permutation # invariant entries in `parameters` have dependencies on other parameters dependencies=DiscreteDependenciesConstraint( parameters=["Fraction_1", "Fraction_2", "Fraction_3"], conditions=[ ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ], affected_parameters=[["Solvent_1"], ["Solvent_2"], ["Solvent_3"]], ), ) ``` The usage of `DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint` is also part of the [example on mixtures](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/mixture_constraints). ### DiscreteCustomConstraint With a [`DiscreteCustomConstraint`](baybe.constraints.discrete.DiscreteCustomConstraint) constraint, you can specify a completely custom filter: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np from baybe.constraints import DiscreteCustomConstraint def custom_filter(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: # this signature is required """ In this example, we exclude entries where the square root of the temperature times the cubed pressure are larger than 5.6. """ mask_good = np.sqrt(df["Temperature"]) * np.power(df["Pressure"], 3) <= 5.6 return mask_good DiscreteCustomConstraint( parameters=[ # the custom function will have access to these variables "Pressure", "Temperature", ], validator=custom_filter, ) ``` Find a detailed example [here](../../examples/Constraints_Discrete/custom_constraints). ```{warning} Due to the arbitrary nature of code and dependencies that can be used in the `DiscreteCustomConstraint`, de-/serializability cannot be guaranteed. As a consequence, using a `DiscreteCustomConstraint` results in an error if you attempt to serialize the corresponding object or higher-level objects containing it. ```