Source code for baybe.utils.sampling_algorithms

"""A collection of point sampling algorithms."""

from enum import Enum
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances

[docs] def farthest_point_sampling( points: np.ndarray, n_samples: int = 1, initialization: Literal["farthest", "random"] = "farthest", ) -> list[int]: """Sample points according to a farthest point heuristic. Creates a subset of a collection of points by successively adding points with the largest Euclidean distance to intermediate point selections encountered during the algorithmic process. Args: points: The points that are available for selection, represented as a 2D array whose first dimension corresponds to the point index. n_samples: The total number of points to be selected. initialization: Determines how the first points are selected. When ``"farthest"`` is chosen, the first two selected points are those with the largest distance. If only a single point is requested, it is selected randomly from these two. When ``"random"`` is chosen, the first point is selected uniformly at random. Returns: A list containing the positional indices of the selected points. Raises: ValueError: If an unknown initialization recommender is used. """ # Compute the pairwise distances between all points dist_matrix = pairwise_distances(points) # Initialize the point selection subset if initialization == "random": selected_point_indices = [np.random.randint(0, len(points))] elif initialization == "farthest": idx_1d = np.argmax(dist_matrix) selected_point_indices = list( map(int, np.unravel_index(idx_1d, dist_matrix.shape)) ) if n_samples == 1: return np.random.choice(selected_point_indices, 1).tolist() elif n_samples < 1: raise ValueError( f"Farthest point sampling must be done with >= 1 samples, but " f"{n_samples=} was given." ) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown initialization recommender: '{initialization}'") # Initialize the list of remaining points remaining_point_indices = list(range(len(points))) for idx in selected_point_indices: remaining_point_indices.remove(idx) # Successively add the points with the largest distance while len(selected_point_indices) < n_samples: # Collect distances between selected and remaining points dist = dist_matrix[np.ix_(remaining_point_indices, selected_point_indices)] # Find for each candidate point the smallest distance to the selected points min_dists = np.min(dist, axis=1) # Choose the point with the "largest smallest distance" selected_point_index = remaining_point_indices[np.argmax(min_dists)] # Add the chosen point to the selection selected_point_indices.append(selected_point_index) remaining_point_indices.remove(selected_point_index) return selected_point_indices
[docs] class DiscreteSamplingMethod(Enum): """Available discrete sampling methods.""" Random = "Random" """Random Sampling.""" FPS = "FPS" """Farthest point sampling."""
[docs] def sample_numerical_df( df: pd.DataFrame, n_points: int, *, method: DiscreteSamplingMethod = DiscreteSamplingMethod.Random, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Sample data points from a numerical dataframe. If the requested amount of points is larger than the number of available points, the entire dataframe will be returned as many times at it fits into the requested number and the specified sampling method will only return the remainder of points. Args: df: Dataframe with purely numerical entries. n_points: Number of points to sample. method: Sampling method. Returns: The sampled points. Raises: TypeError: If the provided dataframe has non-numerical content. ValueError: When an invalid sampling method was provided. """ if any(df[col].dtype.kind not in "iufb" for col in df.columns): raise TypeError( f"'{sample_numerical_df.__name__}' only supports purely numerical " f"dataframes." ) # Split points in trivial and sampled parts n_trivial, n_sampled = divmod(n_points, len(df)) ilocs = list(range(len(df))) * n_trivial if n_sampled > 0: if method is DiscreteSamplingMethod.FPS: ilocs += farthest_point_sampling(df.values, n_sampled) elif method is DiscreteSamplingMethod.Random: ilocs += df.reset_index(drop=True).sample(n_sampled).index.tolist() else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized sampling method: '{method}'.") return df.iloc[ilocs]