Source code for baybe.utils.interval

"""Utilities for handling intervals."""

from import Iterable
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np
from attrs import define, field

from baybe.serialization import SerialMixin, converter
from baybe.utils.numerical import DTypeFloatNumpy

    from torch import Tensor

# TODO[typing]: Add return type hints to classmethod constructors once ForwardRefs
#   are supported:

[docs] class InfiniteIntervalError(Exception): """An interval that should be finite is infinite."""
[docs] @define class Interval(SerialMixin): """Intervals on the real number line.""" lower: float = field(converter=lambda x: float(x) if x is not None else -np.inf) """The lower end of the interval.""" upper: float = field(converter=lambda x: float(x) if x is not None else np.inf) """The upper end of the interval.""" @upper.validator def _validate_order(self, _: Any, upper: float) -> None: # noqa: DOC101, DOC103 """Validate the order of the interval bounds. Raises: ValueError: If the upper end is not larger than the lower end. """ if upper < self.lower: raise ValueError( f"The upper interval bound (provided value: {upper}) cannot be smaller " f"than the lower bound (provided value: {self.lower})." ) @property def is_degenerate(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval is degenerate (i.e., contains only a single number).""" return self.lower == self.upper @property def is_bounded(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval is bounded.""" return self.is_left_bounded and self.is_right_bounded @property def is_left_bounded(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval is left-bounded.""" return np.isfinite(self.lower) @property def is_right_bounded(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval is right-bounded.""" return np.isfinite(self.upper) @property def is_half_bounded(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval is half-bounded.""" return self.is_left_bounded ^ self.is_right_bounded @property def is_fully_unbounded(self) -> bool: """Check if the interval represents the entire real number line.""" return not (self.is_left_bounded or self.is_right_bounded) @property def center(self) -> float | None: """The center of the interval, or ``None`` if the interval is unbounded.""" if not self.is_bounded: return None return (self.lower + self.upper) / 2
[docs] @singledispatchmethod @classmethod def create(cls, value: Any): """Create an interval from various input types.""" raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported argument type: {type(value)}")
@create.register @classmethod def _(cls, _: None): """Overloaded implementation for creating an empty interval.""" return Interval(-np.inf, np.inf) @create.register @classmethod def _(cls, bounds: Iterable): """Overloaded implementation for creating an interval of an iterable.""" return Interval(*bounds)
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """Transform the interval to a tuple.""" return self.lower, self.upper
[docs] def to_ndarray(self) -> np.ndarray: """Transform the interval to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`.""" return np.array([self.lower, self.upper], dtype=DTypeFloatNumpy)
[docs] def to_tensor(self) -> "Tensor": """Transform the interval to a :class:`torch.Tensor`.""" import torch from baybe.utils.torch import DTypeFloatTorch return torch.tensor([self.lower, self.upper], dtype=DTypeFloatTorch)
[docs] def contains(self, number: float) -> bool: """Check whether the interval contains a given number. Args: number: The number that should be checked. Returns: Whether or not the interval contains the number. """ return self.lower <= number <= self.upper
[docs] def convert_bounds(bounds: None | Iterable | Interval) -> Interval: """Convert bounds given in another format to an interval. Args: bounds: The bounds that should be transformed to an interval. Returns: The interval. """ if isinstance(bounds, Interval): return bounds return Interval.create(bounds)
[docs] def use_fallback_constructor_hook(value: Any, cls: type[Interval]) -> Interval: """Use the singledispatch mechanism as fallback to parse arbitrary input.""" if isinstance(value, dict): return converter.structure_attrs_fromdict(value, cls) return Interval.create(value)
# Register structure hooks converter.register_structure_hook(Interval, use_fallback_constructor_hook)