Source code for baybe.telemetry

"""Telemetry functionality for BayBE.

For more details, see

import getpass
import hashlib
import os
import socket
import warnings
from import Sequence
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import pandas as pd

from baybe.parameters.base import Parameter
from baybe.utils.boolean import strtobool
from baybe.utils.dataframe import fuzzy_row_match

# Telemetry environment variable names

# Telemetry settings defaults

# Telemetry labels for metrics
    "RECOMMENDED_MEASUREMENTS_PERCENTAGE": "value_recommended-measurements-percentage",
    "BATCH_SIZE": "value_batch-size",
    "COUNT_ADD_RESULTS": "count_add-results",
    "COUNT_RECOMMEND": "count_recommend",
    "NUM_PARAMETERS": "value_num-parameters",
    "NUM_CONSTRAINTS": "value_num-constraints",
    "COUNT_SEARCHSPACE_CREATION": "count_searchspace-created",
    "NAKED_INITIAL_MEASUREMENTS": "count_naked-initial-measurements-added",

# Attempt telemetry import
    from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.metric_exporter import (
    from opentelemetry.metrics import Histogram, get_meter, set_meter_provider
    from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics import MeterProvider
    from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export import PeriodicExportingMetricReader
    from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
except ImportError:
    # Failed telemetry install/import should not fail baybe, so telemetry is being
    # disabled in that case
            "Opentelemetry could not be imported, potentially it is not installed. "
            "Disabling baybe telemetry.",
    os.environ[VARNAME_TELEMETRY_ENABLED] = "false"

[docs] def is_enabled() -> bool: """Tell whether telemetry currently is enabled. Telemetry can be disabled by setting the respective environment variable. """ return strtobool( os.environ.get(VARNAME_TELEMETRY_ENABLED, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_ENABLED) )
# Attempt telemetry initialization if is_enabled(): # Assign default user and machine name try: DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_USERNAME = ( hashlib.sha256(getpass.getuser().upper().encode()).hexdigest().upper()[:10] ) except ModuleNotFoundError: # getpass.getuser() does not work on Windows if all the environment variables # it checks are empty. Since then there is no way of inferring the username, we # use UNKNOWN as fallback. DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_USERNAME = "UNKNOWN" DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_HOSTNAME = ( hashlib.sha256(socket.gethostname().encode()).hexdigest().upper()[:10] ) _endpoint_url = os.environ.get( VARNAME_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT ) # Test endpoint URL try: # Parse endpoint URL _endpoint_url_parsed = urlparse(_endpoint_url) _endpoint_hostname = _endpoint_url_parsed.hostname _endpoint_port = _endpoint_url_parsed.port if _endpoint_url_parsed.port else 80 try: _TIMEOUT_S = float( os.environ.get( VARNAME_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT, ) ) except (ValueError, TypeError): warnings.warn( f"WARNING: Value passed for environment variable " f"{VARNAME_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT} is not a valid floating point " f"number. Using default of {DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT}.", UserWarning, ) _TIMEOUT_S = float(DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT) # Send a test request. If there is no internet connection or a firewall is # present this will throw an error and telemetry will be deactivated. if strtobool( os.environ.get(VARNAME_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK) ): socket.gethostbyname("") # User has connectivity to the telemetry endpoint, so we initialize _instruments: dict[str, Histogram] = {} _resource = Resource.create( {"service.namespace": "BayBE", "": "SDK"} ) _reader = PeriodicExportingMetricReader( exporter=OTLPMetricExporter( endpoint=_endpoint_url, insecure=True, ) ) _provider = MeterProvider(resource=_resource, metric_readers=[_reader]) set_meter_provider(_provider) _meter = get_meter("aws-otel", "1.0") except Exception as ex: # Catching broad exception here and disabling telemetry in that case to avoid # any telemetry timeouts or interference for the user in case of unexpected # errors. Possible ones are for instance ``socket.gaierror`` in case the user # has no internet connection. if os.environ.get(VARNAME_TELEMETRY_USERNAME, "").startswith("DEV_"): # This warning is only printed for developers to make them aware of # potential issues warnings.warn( f"WARNING: BayBE Telemetry endpoint {_endpoint_url} cannot be reached. " "Disabling telemetry. The exception encountered was: " f"{type(ex).__name__}, {ex}", UserWarning, ) os.environ[VARNAME_TELEMETRY_ENABLED] = "false" else: DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_USERNAME = "UNKNOWN" DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_HOSTNAME = "UNKNOWN"
[docs] def get_user_details() -> dict[str, str]: """Generate user details. These are submitted as metadata with requested telemetry stats. Returns: The hostname and username in hashed format as well as the package version. """ from baybe import __version__ username_hash = os.environ.get( VARNAME_TELEMETRY_USERNAME, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_USERNAME ) hostname_hash = os.environ.get( VARNAME_TELEMETRY_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_HOSTNAME ) return {"host": hostname_hash, "user": username_hash, "version": __version__}
[docs] def telemetry_record_value(instrument_name: str, value: int | float) -> None: """Transmit a given value under a given label to the telemetry backend. The values are recorded as histograms, i.e. the info about record time and sample size is also available. This can be used to count function calls (record the value 1) or statistics about any variable (record its value). Due to serialization limitations only certain data types of value are allowed. Args: instrument_name: The label under which this statistic is logged. value: The value of the statistic to be logged. """ if is_enabled(): _submit_scalar_value(instrument_name, value)
def _submit_scalar_value(instrument_name: str, value: int | float) -> None: """See :func:`baybe.telemetry.telemetry_record_value`.""" if instrument_name in _instruments: histogram = _instruments[instrument_name] else: histogram = _meter.create_histogram( instrument_name, description=f"Histogram for instrument {instrument_name}", ) _instruments[instrument_name] = histogram histogram.record(value, get_user_details())