Source code for baybe.surrogates.base

"""Base functionality for all BayBE surrogates."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar

from attrs import define
from cattrs import override
from cattrs.dispatch import (

from baybe.searchspace import SearchSpace
from baybe.serialization.core import (
from baybe.serialization.mixin import SerialMixin
from baybe.surrogates.utils import _prepare_inputs, _prepare_targets

    from botorch.models.model import Model
    from torch import Tensor

# Define constants

_ONNX_ENCODING = "latin-1"
"""Constant signifying the encoding for onnx byte strings in pretrained models.

NOTE: This encoding is selected by choice for ONNX byte strings.
This is not a requirement from ONNX but simply for the JSON format.
The byte string from ONNX `.SerializeToString()` method has unknown encoding,
which results in UnicodeDecodeError when using `.decode('utf-8')`.
The use of latin-1 ensures there are no loss from the conversion of
bytes to string and back, since the specification is a bijection between
0-255 and the character set.

[docs] @define(slots=False) class Surrogate(ABC, SerialMixin): """Abstract base class for all surrogate models.""" # Class variables joint_posterior: ClassVar[bool] """Class variable encoding whether or not a joint posterior is calculated.""" supports_transfer_learning: ClassVar[bool] """Class variable encoding whether or not the surrogate supports transfer learning."""
[docs] def to_botorch(self) -> Model: """Create the botorch-ready representation of the model.""" from baybe.surrogates._adapter import AdapterModel return AdapterModel(self)
[docs] def posterior(self, candidates: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Evaluate the surrogate model at the given candidate points. Args: candidates: The candidate points, represented as a tensor of shape ``(*t, q, d)``, where ``t`` denotes the "t-batch" shape, ``q`` denotes the "q-batch" shape, and ``d`` is the input dimension. For more details about batch shapes, see: Returns: The posterior means and posterior covariance matrices of the t-batched candidate points. """ import torch # Prepare the input candidates = _prepare_inputs(candidates) # Evaluate the posterior distribution mean, covar = self._posterior(candidates) # Apply covariance transformation for marginal posterior models if not self.joint_posterior: # Convert to tensor containing covariance matrices covar = torch.diag_embed(covar) # Add small diagonal variances for numerical stability covar.add_(torch.eye(covar.shape[-1]) * _MIN_VARIANCE) return mean, covar
@abstractmethod def _posterior(self, candidates: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Perform the actual posterior evaluation logic. In contrast to its public counterpart :func:`baybe.surrogates.Surrogate.posterior`, no data validation/transformation is carried out but only the raw posterior computation is conducted. Note that the public ``posterior`` method *always* returns a full covariance matrix. By contrast, this method may return either a covariance matrix or a tensor of marginal variances, depending on the models ``joint_posterior`` flag. The optional conversion to a covariance matrix is handled by the public method. See :func:`baybe.surrogates.Surrogate.posterior` for details on the parameters. Args: candidates: The candidates. Returns: See :func:`baybe.surrogates.Surrogate.posterior`. """
[docs] def fit(self, searchspace: SearchSpace, train_x: Tensor, train_y: Tensor) -> None: """Train the surrogate model on the provided data. Args: searchspace: The search space in which experiments are conducted. train_x: The training data points. train_y: The training data labels. Raises: ValueError: If the search space contains task parameters but the selected surrogate model type does not support transfer learning. NotImplementedError: When using a continuous search space and a non-GP model. """ # Check if transfer learning capabilities are needed if (searchspace.n_tasks > 1) and (not self.supports_transfer_learning): raise ValueError( f"The search space contains task parameters but the selected " f"surrogate model type ({self.__class__.__name__}) does not " f"support transfer learning." ) # TODO: Adjust scale_model decorator to support other model types as well. if (not searchspace.continuous.is_empty) and ( "GaussianProcess" not in self.__class__.__name__ ): raise NotImplementedError( "Continuous search spaces are currently only supported by GPs." ) # Validate and prepare the training data train_x = _prepare_inputs(train_x) train_y = _prepare_targets(train_y) self._fit(searchspace, train_x, train_y)
@abstractmethod def _fit(self, searchspace: SearchSpace, train_x: Tensor, train_y: Tensor) -> None: """Perform the actual fitting logic. In contrast to its public counterpart :func:``, no data validation/transformation is carried out but only the raw fitting operation is conducted. See :func:`` for details on the parameters. """
def _make_hook_decode_onnx_str( raw_unstructure_hook: UnstructureHook, ) -> UnstructureHook: """Wrap an unstructuring hook to let it also decode the contained ONNX string.""" def wrapper(obj: StructuredValue) -> UnstructuredValue: dct = raw_unstructure_hook(obj) if "onnx_str" in dct: dct["onnx_str"] = dct["onnx_str"].decode(_ONNX_ENCODING) return dct return wrapper def _make_hook_encode_onnx_str(raw_structure_hook: StructureHook) -> StructureHook: """Wrap a structuring hook to let it also encode the contained ONNX string.""" def wrapper(dct: UnstructuredValue, _: TargetType) -> StructuredValue: if (onnx_str := dct.get("onnx_str")) and isinstance(onnx_str, str): dct["onnx_str"] = onnx_str.encode(_ONNX_ENCODING) obj = raw_structure_hook(dct, _) return obj return wrapper def _block_serialize_custom_architecture( raw_unstructure_hook: UnstructureHook, ) -> UnstructureHook: """Raise error if attempt to serialize a custom architecture surrogate.""" # TODO: Ideally, this hook should be removed and unstructuring the Surrogate # base class should automatically invoke the blocking hook that is already # registered for the "CustomArchitectureSurrogate" subclass. However, it's # not clear how the base unstructuring hook needs to be modified to accomplish # this, and furthermore the problem will most likely become obsolete in the future # because the role of the subclass will probably be replaced with a surrogate # protocol. def wrapper(obj: StructuredValue) -> UnstructuredValue: if obj.__class__.__name__ == "CustomArchitectureSurrogate": raise NotImplementedError( "Serializing objects of type 'CustomArchitectureSurrogate' " "is not supported." ) return raw_unstructure_hook(obj) return wrapper # Register (un-)structure hooks # IMPROVE: Ideally, the ONNX-specific hooks should simply be registered with the ONNX # class, which would avoid the nested wrapping below. However, this requires # adjusting the base class (un-)structure hooks such that they consistently apply # existing hooks of the concrete subclasses. converter.register_unstructure_hook( Surrogate, _make_hook_decode_onnx_str( _block_serialize_custom_architecture( lambda x: unstructure_base(x, overrides={"_model": override(omit=True)}) ) ), ) converter.register_structure_hook( Surrogate, _make_hook_encode_onnx_str(get_base_structure_hook(Surrogate)) )