Source code for baybe.simulation.core

"""Core simulation and backtesting functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Callable
from contextlib import nullcontext
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from baybe.campaign import Campaign
from baybe.exceptions import NotEnoughPointsLeftError, NothingToSimulateError
from baybe.simulation.lookup import look_up_targets
from baybe.targets.enum import TargetMode
from baybe.utils.dataframe import add_parameter_noise
from baybe.utils.numerical import DTypeFloatNumpy, closer_element, closest_element
from baybe.utils.random import temporary_seed

[docs] def simulate_experiment( campaign: Campaign, lookup: pd.DataFrame | Callable | None = None, /, *, batch_size: int = 1, n_doe_iterations: int | None = None, initial_data: pd.DataFrame | None = None, random_seed: int | None = None, impute_mode: Literal[ "error", "worst", "best", "mean", "random", "ignore" ] = "error", noise_percent: float | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Simulate a Bayesian optimization loop. The most basic type of simulation. Runs a single execution of the loop either for a specified number of steps or until there are no more configurations left to be tested. Args: campaign: The DOE setting to be simulated. lookup: The lookup used to close the loop, providing target values for the queried parameter settings. For details, see :func:`baybe.simulation.lookup.look_up_targets`. batch_size: The number of recommendations to be queried per iteration. n_doe_iterations: The number of iterations to run the design-of-experiments loop. If not specified, the simulation proceeds until there are no more testable configurations left. initial_data: The initial measurement data to be ingested before starting the loop. random_seed: An optional random seed to be used for the simulation. impute_mode: Specifies how a missing lookup will be handled. For details, see :func:`baybe.simulation.lookup.look_up_targets`. In addition to the choices listed there, the following option is available: - ``"ignore"``: The search space is stripped before recommendations are made so that unmeasured experiments will not be recommended. noise_percent: If not ``None``, relative noise in percent of ``noise_percent`` will be applied to the parameter measurements. Returns: A dataframe ready for plotting, see the ``Note`` for details. Raises: TypeError: If a non-suitable lookup is chosen. ValueError: If the impute mode ``ignore`` is chosen for non-dataframe lookup. ValueError: If a setup is provided that would run indefinitely. Note: The returned dataframe contains the following columns: * ``Iteration``: Corresponds to the DOE iteration (starting at 0) * ``Num_Experiments``: Corresponds to the running number of experiments performed (usually x-axis) * for each target a column ``{targetname}_IterBest``: Corresponds to the best result for that target at the respective iteration * for each target a column ``{targetname}_CumBest``: Corresponds to the best result for that target up to including respective iteration * for each target a column ``{targetname}_Measurements``: The individual measurements obtained for the respective target and iteration """ # TODO: Due to the "..." operator, sphinx does not render this properly. Might # want to investigate in the future. # TODO: Use a `will_terminate` campaign property to decide if the campaign will # run indefinitely or not, and allow omitting `n_doe_iterations` for the latter. if campaign.objective is None: raise ValueError( "The given campaign has no objective defined, hence there are no targets " "to be tracked." ) context = temporary_seed(random_seed) if random_seed is not None else nullcontext() with context: # Validate the lookup mechanism if not (isinstance(lookup, (pd.DataFrame, Callable)) or (lookup is None)): raise TypeError( "The lookup can either be 'None', a pandas dataframe or a callable." ) # Validate the data imputation mode if (impute_mode == "ignore") and (not isinstance(lookup, pd.DataFrame)): raise ValueError( "Impute mode 'ignore' is only available for dataframe lookups." ) # Enforce correct float precision in lookup dataframes if isinstance(lookup, pd.DataFrame): lookup = lookup.copy() float_cols = lookup.select_dtypes(include=["float"]).columns lookup[float_cols] = lookup[float_cols].astype(DTypeFloatNumpy) # Clone the campaign to avoid mutating the original object # TODO: Reconsider if deepcopies are required once [16605] is resolved campaign = deepcopy(campaign) # Add the initial data if initial_data is not None: campaign.add_measurements(initial_data) # For impute_mode 'ignore', do not recommend space entries that are not # available in the lookup # TODO [16605]: Avoid direct manipulation of metadata if impute_mode == "ignore": exp_rep = campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep lookup_configurations = lookup[ [ for p in campaign.parameters] ].drop_duplicates() missing_inds = exp_rep.index[ exp_rep.merge(lookup_configurations, how="left", indicator=True)[ "_merge" ] == "left_only" ] campaign.searchspace.discrete.metadata.loc[ missing_inds, "dont_recommend" ] = True # Run the DOE loop limit = n_doe_iterations or np.inf k_iteration = 0 n_experiments = 0 dfs = [] while k_iteration < limit: # Get the next recommendations and corresponding measurements try: measured = campaign.recommend(batch_size=batch_size) except NotEnoughPointsLeftError: # TODO: There can be still N < batch_quantity points left in the search # space. Once the recommender/strategy refactoring is completed, # find an elegant way to return those. warnings.warn( "The simulation of the campaign ended because because not " "sufficiently many points were left for recommendation", UserWarning, ) break # Temporary workaround to enable returning incomplete simulations except Exception as ex: warnings.warn( f"An error has occurred during the simulation, " f"therefore incomplete simulation results are returned. " f"The error message was:\n{str(ex)}" ) break n_experiments += len(measured) look_up_targets(measured, campaign.targets, lookup, impute_mode) # Create the summary for the current iteration and store it result = pd.DataFrame( [ # <-- this ensures that the internal lists to not get expanded { "Iteration": k_iteration, "Num_Experiments": n_experiments, **{ f"{}_Measurements": measured[ ].to_list() for target in campaign.targets }, } ] ) dfs.append(result) # Apply optional noise to the parameter measurements if noise_percent: add_parameter_noise( measured, campaign.parameters, noise_type="relative_percent", noise_level=noise_percent, ) # Update the campaign campaign.add_measurements(measured) # Update the iteration counter k_iteration += 1 # Collect the iteration results if len(dfs) == 0: raise NothingToSimulateError() results = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) # Add the instantaneous and running best values for all targets for target in campaign.targets: # Define the summary functions for the current target if target.mode is TargetMode.MAX: agg_fun = np.max cum_fun = np.maximum.accumulate elif target.mode is TargetMode.MIN: agg_fun = np.min cum_fun = np.minimum.accumulate elif target.mode is TargetMode.MATCH: match_val = agg_fun = partial(closest_element, target=match_val) cum_fun = lambda x: np.array( # noqa: E731 np.frompyfunc( partial(closer_element, target=match_val), 2, 1, ).accumulate(x), dtype=float, ) # Add the summary columns measurement_col = f"{}_Measurements" iterbest_col = f"{}_IterBest" cumbest_cols = f"{}_CumBest" results[iterbest_col] = results[measurement_col].apply(agg_fun) results[cumbest_cols] = cum_fun(results[iterbest_col]) return results