Source code for baybe.kernels.base

"""Base classes for all kernels."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from attrs import define

from baybe.exceptions import UnmatchedAttributeError
from baybe.priors.base import Prior
from baybe.serialization.core import (
from baybe.serialization.mixin import SerialMixin
from baybe.utils.basic import get_baseclasses, match_attributes

    import torch

    from baybe.surrogates.gaussian_process.kernel_factory import PlainKernelFactory

[docs] @define(frozen=True) class Kernel(ABC, SerialMixin): """Abstract base class for all kernels."""
[docs] def to_factory(self) -> PlainKernelFactory: """Wrap the kernel in a :class:`baybe.surrogates.gaussian_process.kernel_factory.PlainKernelFactory`.""" # noqa: E501 from baybe.surrogates.gaussian_process.kernel_factory import PlainKernelFactory return PlainKernelFactory(self)
[docs] def to_gpytorch( self, *, ard_num_dims: int | None = None, batch_shape: torch.Size | None = None, active_dims: tuple[int, ...] | None = None, ): """Create the gpytorch representation of the kernel.""" import gpytorch.kernels # Extract keywords with non-default values. This is required since gpytorch # makes use of kwargs, i.e. differentiates if certain keywords are explicitly # passed or not. For instance, `ard_num_dims = kwargs.get("ard_num_dims", 1)` # fails if we explicitly pass `ard_num_dims=None`. kw: dict[str, Any] = dict( ard_num_dims=ard_num_dims, batch_shape=batch_shape, active_dims=active_dims ) kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if v is not None} # Get corresponding gpytorch kernel class and its base classes kernel_cls = getattr(gpytorch.kernels, self.__class__.__name__) base_classes = get_baseclasses(kernel_cls, abstract=True) # Fetch the necessary gpytorch constructor parameters of the kernel. # NOTE: In gpytorch, some attributes (like the kernel lengthscale) are handled # via the `gpytorch.kernels.Kernel` base class. Hence, it is not sufficient to # just check the fields of the actual class, but also those of its base # classes. kernel_attrs: dict[str, Any] = {} unmatched_attrs: dict[str, Any] = {} for cls in [kernel_cls, *base_classes]: matched, unmatched = match_attributes(self, cls.__init__, strict=False) kernel_attrs.update(matched) unmatched_attrs.update(unmatched) # Sanity check: all attributes of the BayBE kernel need a corresponding match # in the gpytorch kernel (otherwise, the BayBE kernel class is misconfigured). # Exception: initial values are not used during construction but are set # on the created object (see code at the end of the method). missing = set(unmatched) - set(kernel_attrs) if leftover := {m for m in missing if not m.endswith("_initial_value")}: raise UnmatchedAttributeError(leftover) # Convert specified priors to gpytorch, if provided prior_dict = { key: value.to_gpytorch() for key, value in kernel_attrs.items() if isinstance(value, Prior) } # Convert specified inner kernels to gpytorch, if provided kernel_dict = { key: value.to_gpytorch(**kw) for key, value in kernel_attrs.items() if isinstance(value, Kernel) } # Create the kernel with all its inner gpytorch objects kernel_attrs.update(kernel_dict) kernel_attrs.update(prior_dict) gpytorch_kernel = kernel_cls(**kernel_attrs, **kw) # If the kernel has a lengthscale, set its initial value if kernel_cls.has_lengthscale: import torch from baybe.utils.torch import DTypeFloatTorch # We can ignore mypy here and simply assume that the corresponding BayBE # kernel class has the necessary lengthscale attribute defined. This is # safer than using a `hasattr` check in the above if-condition since for # the latter the code would silently fail when forgetting to add the # attribute to a new kernel class / misspelling it. if (initial_value := self.lengthscale_initial_value) is not None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] gpytorch_kernel.lengthscale = torch.tensor( initial_value, dtype=DTypeFloatTorch ) return gpytorch_kernel
[docs] @define(frozen=True) class BasicKernel(Kernel, ABC): """Abstract base class for all basic kernels."""
[docs] @define(frozen=True) class CompositeKernel(Kernel, ABC): """Abstract base class for all composite kernels."""
# Register de-/serialization hooks converter.register_structure_hook(Kernel, get_base_structure_hook(Kernel)) converter.register_unstructure_hook(Kernel, unstructure_base)